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About Us

Ayurlife is an Indian traditional Ayurvedic and Marma clinic established in Singapore. Our team of qualified and well-experienced Ayurvedic consultants will conduct the clinical assessment including detailed history-taking, determination of the basic constitution (body type), physical and systemic examination and then advice tailored wellness plans for each and every customer.

To have a solid reputation for providing top-notch Ayurlife services that promote our patients' physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

Utilising the wholesome and divine healthcare principles of Ayurveda, to actively promote and improve health and quality of life.

Core Values
Patient First: Our patients and their families will be at the heart of what we do and their experience with us will meet their fullest satisfaction.
Respect: Each person we encounter is considered unique and valued. We believe in respecting the differing needs of our patients and the diversity in our staff.
Excellence: We continuously strive for highest quality in care, providing the greatest benefit to patients, and to do the best job we can.
Honesty & Integrity: We value integrity and believe in addressing issues openly, directly and honestly.
Teamwork: We are committed to effective teamwork where every person is greeted with respect, encouraged to contribute and are supportive of each other’s efforts.